Saint Rocco Hamlet

maltese english

go-to-locationThe Saint Rocco hamlet takes its name from the chapel of Saint Rocco which was once present near the coast and the Hospitaller coastal entrenchments, nowadays the SmartCity site. Near this chapel the Saint Rocco redoubt was built by the British during the French blockade, while the Saint Rocco battery was built by Maltese men from the 30th (Cambridgeshire) Regiment of Foot. Saint Rocco redoubt, as well as the chapel and building it was built around, have been demolished.

Throughout the years dwellings developed in the hamlet, also in the proximity of the Capuchins’ convent and church. A feast dedicated to Saint Joseph, known as ‘tal-Kejla’, was celebrated in the hamlet few weeks after the titular feast of Kalkara and a club was setup with the name ‘Circolo San Giuseppe Via Capuccini’.